Oraichain VRF v2.0 Successfully Joined Oraichain Mainnet As A Sub-Network

Oraichain Labs
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2021


Oraichain VRF now is running in a fully decentralized manner with the participation of 23 executors. While the executors receive rewards for contributing to the generation and verification of random data, the random function is getting more secure and transparent.

VRF provides publicly verifiable and unpredictable values and Oraichain VRF is a fundamental oracle on Oraichain. We have implemented a sub-network for the service that runs in parallel with Oraichain Mainnet while the results are stored on Oraichain Mainnet. Our BLS-based algorithm for VRF is optimized to take multiple participants in the generation and verification of random data. This marks an important feature of Oraichain VRF as an oracle service.

We are thankful to many eager contributors, who have responded to our call for VRF Executors and have quickly joined the Oraichain VRF Sub-network.

With all of VRF Executors succeeding in running WebSocket clients to listen to the random requests, the creation of Oraichain VRF’s randomness now constitutes complete transparency and fairness between participants based on cryptographic algorithms and consensus protocol, which later results in great immutability and almost zero chance for manipulation. Oraichain VRF v2 also adds a coherent reward system for VRF Executors thanks to their computational contributions.

As randomness holds the key to a myriad of operations on various blockchain networks, we are bound and determined to facilitate the future of decentralized randomization with the aid of Oraichain VRF v2. Having started with yAI.Finance’s No-Loss Pot, Oraichain’s VRF services will keep staying in the groove with Kawaii Islands, a collaborated game title from Oraichain x Imba Games partnership that will be adapting to an all-inclusive concept of AI Oracle and DeFi provided by Oraichain.

About Oraichain

Oraichain is the world’s first AI-powered oracle and ecosystem for blockchains. Oraichain data oracle platform aggregates and connects Artificial Intelligence APIs to smart contracts and regular applications. Founded by Dr. Chung Dao, Oraichain’s mission is to be the portal between AI and blockchain technologies, serving as a foundational layer for the creation of a new generation of smart contracts and Dapps leveraging AI..

Unlike regular oracles using raw data, Oraichain’s AI oracle uniquely uses AI APIs to process and create data on-the-fly via virtual machines on smart contracts. Data quality, reliability and security are enhanced by using test cases, which help to avoid intermediaries, increase trust and open up unprecedented application functionalities.

Beyond data oracles, Oraichain interconnects Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies. With AI as the cornerstone, the Oraichain ecosystem contains an AI marketplace, a Data & Request Hub, Publisher Service, Training Service, and Dapp Hosting.

Oraichain network provides the infrastructure and consensus mechanisms for Blockchain and AI training. These interconnected ecosystems accelerate the development of Web3, DeFi, enterprise and academia applications. yAI.Finance is the first use case of Oraichain, a DeFi platform using unique AI-based features and strategies. Oraichain AI Marketplace offers AI products and APIs with the goal of becoming the one-stop-shop for Artificial Intelligence services.

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